Are You a Move Up Buyer Wanting to Take Advantage of the Seller’s Market?

Are You a Move Up Buyer Wanting to Take Advantage of the Seller's Market?

Are you a homeowner who’s been wanting to upgrade and take advantage of the exceptional seller’s market but were stressed about finding your next home to move too?  Well, I have good news, although the frenzy has died down, the market is still great for sellers to capitalize on the equity that’s been driven up in the last couple of years.  Hi, I’m Dana Weyl broker associate with Coldwell banker select and I have a team of realtor’s OK homes and lifestyle group.

So to help move up buyers I’ve decided to host a buyer seminar to outline the process so that you know your next best steps in preparing for your next home investment.   First things first, let’s talk about the market and how it’s impacting sellers.  In some price points we are still seeing multiple offers. Those are mostly properties under 250 thousand and that’s because that’s the range that the the bulk of our buyers fall into in our area. 

Above that, the buyers that qualify do drop off with each range of increase in value.  So if you have a property that falls in the first time homebuyer range and you price correctly according to condition and amenities, that’s the trick, you should do really well on a home sale in the current market if you price correctly and it’s marketed appropriately. 

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the tide is seriously turning and sellers, now more than ever, need to put their best foot forward as more and more homes continue to come on the market.  But that’s where our expertise comes in.  Myself and my team are skilled digital marketers and we invest heavily in our listings to make sure that they stand out from the crowd.

I also work with some of the best lenders in the area who are skilled at helping buyers figure out the best financing options as well and I will have a lender available to answer all your questions about the current mortgage options available.   So, if this is something that you are interested in click the learn more button below and register for the upcoming free seminar.  We will be hosting in Owasso at the end of the month and all of the details will be outlined in the link.  There are only a specific number of spots available so don’t wait, sign up today.  I hope to see you soon!

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